Neurostuff Development Environment

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3 minute read

This post is a chronicle of how I’m setting up a development environment for neurostuff using VSCode (version 1.48.2 as of this writing).


Step 0: clone the repository

clone the repository

git clone

and then cd into the created folder.

cd neurostuff

Step 1: Open VSCode

open vscode

code .

Step 2: Generate the Container Files

Click on the lower lefthand green section of the VSCode bottom banner.

That will open a menu where you will select Remote-Containers: Add Development Container Configuration Files...

which progresses the menu to the next choice of which file to use to build the container. You will select From 'docker-compose.yml'.

The next menu will ask which service you wish to create, you will select neurostuff.

Following those choices should result in a folder named .devcontainer with two files:

  1. devcontainer.json
  2. docker-compose.yml

Step 2: Edit devcontainer.json

There are several edits needed to setup devcontainer.json for the neurostuff repository.

The first field to edit in devcontainer.json is dockerComposeFile:

within neurostuff, there is an additional file to add.

The second field to edit in devcontainer.json is workspaceFolder, which by default is /workspace.

Change /workspace to /neurostuff

Finally, the third field we want to edit is extensions. neurostuff is written in python, so we want the python extension to be installed with vscode on this remote container. Add ms-python.python to extensions`.

Step 3: Edit docker-compose.yml

Within docker-compose.yml we will change the volumes mount from /workspace to /neurostuff

Step 4: Open VSCode with the remote container

Click on the left corner in the green section of the bottom banner again.

Select Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container

Once the images are built and the containers are created, you should be working from within the neurostuff container, yay!

Step 5: Setup python testing

Press Ctrl+Shift+P and type into the menu bar: Python: Configure Tests

neurostuff uses pytest so we will select pytest as our test framework.

When the menu progresses, select neurostuff as the base directory.

The menu should close and VSCode will find all tests written for neurostuff and you will see a new icon that looks like a beaker.

To try debugging a test, create a breakpoint in one of the test files.

then click on Debug Test above the test function.

Clicking Debug Test should run the test until it reaches the breakpoint at which point you have total control to inspect variables and test your understanding.

Additional Reading